
Mapping humanity

Poll - waking up

How do you wake up?rating

i was inspired to make this poll by my alarm clock this morning....:tear:

Do you use an alarm clock? What is your reaction (mostly) when it rings?
I wake up automatically when needed6021%
I get up motivated, right after my alarmclock rings145%
I stand up with alarm clock, out of discipline5519%
I stay in bed, pressing "snooze" several times11240%
I stay in bed, trying to make up excuses to stay there longer145%
I don't use an alarmclock, i just sleep as long as i want to228%
Other/Something else62%
283 votes

Latest reactions:

0 Jouke, October 31, 2007 11:39 AM
Jouke:). I press snooze sereval time. Altough I have to get out of bed to press snooze :P
0 gna, October 31, 2007 10:33 AM
gnanow 980, but it used to be 981...
often strongly convinced that i needed to finish a dream :tear: