
Mapping humanity

Poll - en-GB famous uncle

Which famous person would you like to have as an uncle?rating

George Bush26%
Wesley Snipes26%
Damien Rice411%
Paris Hilton411%
Gordon Brown00%
Hugh Laurie (the guy who plays Dr House)411%
Jack Black514%
Will Smith411%
Ben Stiller26%
Jackie Chan823%
35 stemmen

Vetrouw je de media?rating

Tot op zekere hoogte, ik geloof niet alles2057%
35 stemmen

Verbanden tussen polls

Statistisch significante verbanden gevonden:

low en-GB many Paris Hilton-lovers distrust the media (3) Beoordeling

Sublink gevonden! - Zou het kunnen dat... many Paris Hilton-lovers distrust the media because they drink coffee with their breakfast?

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