
Mapping humanity

Poll - political preference

Where are you in the political spectrum?rating

far left294%
far right162%
708 votes

Do you trust the media?rating

To some extent, I don't acknowledge everything55578%
708 votes

Links between polls

Statistically significant connections found:

excellent many people who distrust the media are left-wing (34) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many people who distrust the media are left-wing because they don't believe the official 9/11 story?

fair many people who trust the media are centrists (18) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many people who trust the media are centrists because they don't think euthanasia should be legal?

fair few people who distrust the media are center-right-wing (11) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that few people who distrust the media are center-right-wing because they don't believe the terrorism threat level?

fair few people who trust the media are right-wing (2) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that few people who trust the media are right-wing because they believe the official 9/11 story?

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