
Mapping humanity

Poll - waking up

How do you wake up?rating

I wake up automatically when needed811%
I get up motivated, right after my alarmclock rings34%
I stand up with alarm clock, out of discipline1014%
I stay in bed, pressing "snooze" several times3753%
I stay in bed, trying to make up excuses to stay there longer710%
I don't use an alarmclock, i just sleep as long as i want to46%
Other/Something else11%
70 votes

How big is the universe?rating

It's so huge we can't understand, but it is finite1217%
It's a lot of space within infinite void69%
It's infinite in (a) certain dimension(s)57%
It's infinite in all it's dimensions913%
We can't say because size is relative, there is no referention point outside the universe.2536%
There is no universe34%
Other/Something else1014%
70 votes

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fair many people who think the universe exists within infinite void stand up in time out of discipline (3) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many people who think the universe exists within infinite void stand up in time out of discipline because they don't buy organic/fair trade products because of the high prices?

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