
Mapping humanity

Poll - preutsheid

Beschouw je jezelf als preuts?rating

Ja, heel erg00%
Ja, redelijk212%
Een beetje maar847%
Totaal niet741%
17 stemmen

Jesus was ...rating

terribly misunderstood529%
a carpenter635%
a busy guy16%
researching lipgloss, often318%
17 stemmen

Verbanden tussen polls

Statistisch significante verbanden gevonden:

fair en-GB few people who think Jesus was terribly misunderstood are a bit prudish (0) Beoordeling

Sublink gevonden! - Zou het kunnen dat... few people who think Jesus was terribly misunderstood are a bit prudish because they aren't Above average fake smile spotters?

low en-GB many people who think Jesus was terribly misunderstood aren't prudish (4) Beoordeling

Sublink gevonden! - Zou het kunnen dat... many people who think Jesus was terribly misunderstood aren't prudish because they don't think the government should set conditions, so that parent can raise their kids well?

Zoeken Zoek onbekende verbanden!