
Mapping humanity

Poll - en-GB divide by zero

Chat-programmahigh en-GB Many x/0 = infinity people are IRC users
Universumbeeldhigh en-GB Few people who think we can't say how big the universe is are x/0 = error
0 gedeeld door 0high en-GB Many people who think 0 / 0 = error are x/0 = error
Stemminghigh en-GB Many people who felt calm when they voted are x/0 = error
0 gedeeld door 0high en-GB Few x/0 = infinity people think 0 / 0 = error
Muziekinstrumenthigh en-GB Few people who played a musical instrument as a child, but not anymore are x/0 = error
Nederland provinciehigh en-GB Many x/0 = NaN people live in the Dutch province Overijssel
Gezondheidhigh en-GB Many people who feel healthy are x/0 = error
Bron van persoonlijkheidhigh en-GB Many personality in bodycells believers voted other on 'x/0 (with x > 0) should be?'
Slaaphoudingfair en-GB Many x/0 = NaN people sleep on both sides equally

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