
Mapping humanity

Poll - political preference

Where are you in the political spectrum?rating

far left24%
far right12%
46 votes

How do you dream?rating

I always realize I'm dreaming and I can react to it. (lucid dreamer)12%
Mostly I dream lucid. (realizing the dream and act on it)24%
Only sometimes I dream lucid, mostly I don't know it's a dream until afterwards.1839%
When I dream, I always think it's reality.1328%
I almost never dream, or I don't remember it.715%
I dream all day long, who knows what's reality?37%
I suffer from insomnia.00%
Dreams are injected by aliens.24%
Dreams don't exist, they are mindtricks.00%
I'm lucid dreaming, RIGHT NOW!!00%
46 votes

Links between polls

Statistically significant connections found:

low many centrists never dream lucid (5) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many centrists never dream lucid because they are people registered as a donor?

high many people who mostly dream lucid are right-wing (2) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many people who mostly dream lucid are right-wing because they like RTL 4?

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