
Mapping humanity

Profiel: veel en-GB People who think the government should set conditions, so that parent can raise their kids well...

fair en-GB Voted other on 'How big is the universe?'45%21%link
fair en-GB Like the Wii72%47%link
fair en-GB Think Jesus was a carpenter45%23%link
fair en-GB Have a high screen resolution72%47%link
fair en-GB Are Pollarity developers36%17%link
fair en-GB Question the official 9/11 story but don't think there is a conspiracy36%18%link
fair en-GB Mainly use a desktop computer77%58%link
low en-GB Are modest monitor accepters36%19%link
low en-GB Get news from the net63%42%link
low en-GB Are a bit prudish70%50%link

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fact Wist je dat:

Veel mensen die koffie vies vinden zijn bluppers.