
Mapping humanity

Poll - en-GB lipgloss

Internetverbindinghigh en-GB Many people with a direct internet connection think lipgloss is glossy
Government and raising kidshigh en-GB Many people who think lipgloss is sticky think the government should have lots of influence on how people raise their kids
Aantal broers en zussenhigh en-GB Many people with one brother or sister think lipgloss is glossy
Liegenhigh en-GB Few people who think lipgloss is glossy are truth-tellers
Opleidingsniveauhigh en-GB Many people who think lipgloss is useless are postgraduates
Volgende inval VShigh en-GB Many people who like pink lipgloss think the US will start a war against North Korea
Mening over ipodshigh en-GB Many people who like pink lipgloss think iPods should be handed out freely
Etenstijdfair en-GB Many people who think lipgloss is sticky have dinner between 6 and 7
Rol in de groepfair en-GB Many people who think lipgloss is glossy are implementers (Belbin)
Chat-programmafair en-GB Many people who think lipgloss is sticky don't use Instant Messaging

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