
Mapping humanity

Profiel: veel en-GB People with Foreskin coverage index 7...

fair en-GB Like Slam!FM100%15%link
fair en-GB Write down appointments on pieces of paper66%12%link
fair en-GB Are pineapple-eaters66%12%link
fair en-GB Have green eyes66%12%link
fair en-GB Have few computers at home66%14%link
fair en-GB Are pessimists100%37%link
low en-GB Are nail biters100%43%link
low en-GB Don't like consoles100%43%link
low en-GB Sleep on both sides equally100%43%link
low en-GB Have (almost) been to the other side of the world66%18%link

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fact Wist je dat:

Veel folk-liefhebbers chatten via Skype .